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Read this guide before you re-open your facility Post-Covid19

Tips on how to reopen your facility after a disaster can be found in the latest online guide produced by NAIT.

Are you looking to re-open your facility post-COVID-19? Following any major disaster, organizations need to critically evaluate when and how to re-enter damaged or shuttered facilities. Evaluating and re-entering facilities following a fire, flood, or hurricane is somewhat easier when there has been visible damage to structures; however, the current pandemic presents several different challenges and changes in processes and systems.

In this episode we speak with NAIT’s Josh Bowen, Manager for the Centre for Applied Disaster and Emergency Management about the “Post-COVID-19 Facility Re-entry Guide” his organization just released. It is aimed at supporting post-COVID-19 facility re-entry planning however, the contents are applicable under most post-disaster contexts. COVID-19 poses a significant risk to public health and the economy in ways that other disasters do not. The pandemic has shuttered businesses and changed the way people interact with one another. This is all done to stop the spread of the virus insofar as is possible. Details in the guide are generic enough to apply to most facilities, however there are specific recommendations for unique facilities such as laboratories and medical facilities. This guide is applicable whether the organization owns, rents, leases, or is co-located with other entities; and applicable to single- and multi-building facilities.

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