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Promoting disaster resilience in the land down under

Australia is committed to disaster resiience.

The Australian Institute for Disaster Resilience (AIDR) develops, maintains and shares knowledge to support a disaster resilient Australia. They work with government, communities, NGOs, non profits, research organisations, education partners and the private sector to enhance disaster resilience through innovative thinking, professional development and knowledge sharing. Their work is supported by the Australian Government Department of Home Affairs, AFAC, the Australian Red Cross and the Bushfire & Natural Hazards Cooperative Research Centre.

The Australasian Women in Emergencies (AWE) Network connects, promotes and recognises women’s contributions to emergency management and disaster resilience. They are currently doing a crowdfunding campaign to support their work. Since its founding in 2018, they've grown to have more than 1,100 members, expanded to New Zealand and the Pacific, established state territory chapters and connected at number of events.

In this episode we speak with Amanda Lamont,

Director Engagement & Projects for the Australian Institute for Disaster Resilience, and the Co-Founder and VP of the Australasian Women in Emergencies Network about the work she and these two organizations are doing to foster resilience in the land "down under".

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