Mental health, grief and bereavement are part of disaster recovery.
Following a disaster, communities are often faced with a mental health crisis. The loss of homes and belongings, the death of loved ones and pets, the destruction of community supports and displacement of friends and family, can all lead to enhanced emotional distress, anxiety, depression, suicidal tendencies and grief.
The stress of living through a crisis and its aftermath exacerbates prior vulnerabilities as well as creating new ones. We know this to be true in almost every aspect of disaster and humanitarian crises, whether the underlying inequity is a condition of substandard housing, food insecurity, access to general healthcare or proximity to a hazard.
Recently the Center for DIsaster Philanthropy released the "Mental Health, Grief and Bereavement Toolkit". The goal of the toolkit and the accompanying tip sheet and resources are to support philanthropic knowledge and encourage giving in the areas of mental health, grief and bereavement as it pertains to disasters.
This MYD Minute hightlights the Toolkit as a valuable disaster resource.
To download the toolkit: https://disasterplaybook.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/Mental-Health-Grief-and-Bereavement-Toolkit-Final.pdf
To view this video again: https://youtu.be/0uAyM4zP6OM __________________________________________
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