Strategies to mitigate business risk are important to think about, not once, but all the time. It's something both emergency managers and economic developers should be thinking about as well.
So what do economic developers and emergency managers have in common? Most people would doubt they have anything in common; however, Ryan Miller has developed a keen appreciation for where and how these two professions should, and can work together.
Ryan is a seasoned, risk and resilience professional. He served as Director of Emergency Management for Howard County, Maryland for 23 years; teaches the graduate course: "Hazard Mitigation and Disaster Management” at The George Washington University; and now helps CEOs of midsize companies protect their 6 Critical Functions® by developing an enterprise risk management program. In doing this, business owners are able to spend less time worrying about what's around the next corner, and more time growing their business.
In this MYD Global episode we speak to Ryan about how his background in emergency management has shaped his ability to provide practical advice to CEO's looking to develop a robust, enduring risk management program.
For more information: www.criticalfunctions.com
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