Join us April 14, 2021 for a great session on how you can do little things to make a big impact.
The session is moderated by Leann Hackman-Carty, MYD Global Host, and includes:
-Bessie Schwarz, Co-Founder, Cloud to Street
-Dr. Maymunah Kadiri, CEO, Pinnacle Medical Services
-Monique Maissan, CEO, Waste2wear
-Major General Suzanne P. Vares-Lum, U.S. Indo-Pacific Command
These four leaders are making a difference — whether it’s taking action to save our planet from pollution, world floods, or fostering mental health in a way that impacts generations positively. They will share their passions and progress in a way that will inspire you to think differently about your business plan and corporate responsibility.
To register for the event: https://excelerate-conference.com
To view this video again: https://youtu.be/kknTT3DxJLs __________________________________________
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