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Emergency kits for food, water and sanitation needs

What should you have in your emergency kit in order to meet food, water and sanitation needs?

In 2011, the quest to prepare against the uncertain future, to have hearty food, clean water, and practical supplies at hand in an emergency, drove Niels, an entrepreneur in BC, Canada to found Total Prepare. Setting out to stock up on emergency supplies for his young family, Niels found there was “nothing readily available that was worth buying”. Unsatisfied by short-lived food bars and dinky water storage options, he enlisted his business partner Ray and together they set out to give Canadians more choice.

In this episode we speak with Total Prepare's Customer Service Specialist Zenia Platton, about the importance of including items like water, food and sanitation in your emergency kit. It certainly gives you something to think about, and is encouraging to see that the options don't even taste that bad!

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