Promoting regional disaster resilience is a concept more and more communities are looking at. It's also something Eric Holdeman is passionate about.
In this MYD Global episode, we speak with Eric Holdeman, Principal for Eric Holdeman and Associates. Eric has been, and continues to be a thought leader in the areas of emergency management and homeland security. He has also been at the forefront of leading change towards a better prepared, safer, more disaster resilient tomorrow. In addition to consulting, he is the Director for the Center for Regional Disaster Resilience. He is also a Senior Fellow at Emergency Management Magazine, where he is a regular columnist, contributing writer and blogger. His Disaster-Zone blog is nationally the number one blog on the topic of emergency management and also has a Disaster Zone Podcast.
In this episode we talk to Eric about what regional disaster resilience is, and how communities can start thinking about making this a priority.
For more information about Eric:
Podcast: https://disasterzone.buzzsprout.com/
Blog: www.disaster-zone.com
Website: www.ericholdeman.com
Government TV Show done in cooperation with King County TV: http://ericholdeman.com/dztv/
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