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Canadian Red Cross Disaster Preparedness Kit- What's in it?

Humanitarian relief and emergency preparedness groups recommend that you keep a disaster preparedness kit in your home with enough supplies to meet your family’s needs for at least 72 hours. By taking the time now to store food, water and other supplies in advance, you can provide for your entire family in the event of an emergency. So what should be in that kit? In this episode, we look at what the Canadian Red Cross sells on its website to show you what they recommend. We highlight a 4-person deluxe disaster preparedness kit available for $178.45 CAD online. Other things to consider adding to your kit include: local maps, family documents, manual can opener, utensils, water, toilet paper, cell phone charger, fire extinguisher, and cash. Depending on your situation you may also need: prescription medication, baby formula, diapers, pet food, feminine supplies, and games or books for your kids.

To view the video again:

For more information on how to prepare, check out Master Your Disaster Family Edition:

To buy the book:

For more information on the Canadian Red Cross or the disaster preparedness kit go here.



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