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National Preparedness Month is an observance each September to raise awareness about the importance of preparing for disasters and emergencies that could happen at any time.

The 2021 theme is “Prepare to Protect. Preparing for disasters is protecting everyone you love.” Each week is a different topic. This week, we highlight the need for a plan. Business continuity post COVID continues to be an important issue for businesses around the world. Owning and operating a business is tough, but very rewarding. However, it is essential that business owners think about their critical business functions in advance of a disaster to ensure they remain viable after a crisis hits.

In this MYD Global episode, we speak with Australian-based Business Continuity Consultant Chris Miller about her work in helping businesses remain healthy before, during and after a crisis. Chris is a recipient of the Business Continuity Institute (BCI) Australasia Industry Personality Award (2018) and was named 14th out 20 2019 IFSEC Global “Top Influencers in Security and Fire". For many years, she has worked in (& occasionally out of) emergency management covering response, recovery & planning. For more than 15 years, she has been building resilient businesses through business continuity management (BCM). BCM offers a methodology for organisational change and business process improvement. She has consulted with a range of private, public and 'not for profit' sector clients including a major charity, student residential facilities, premium wine makers and distributors as well as a number of Australian Government agencies, ACT Health and FACS NSW. She has a passion for exercising, testing & training in business continuity and incident preparedness; lesson learnt or after action reviews following a disruptive incident; and crisis communication for traditional and social media. I have facilitated many workshops & conferences as well as presenting more than 70 conference papers within Australia & overseas.

For more information about National Preparedness Month, check out

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