Natural disasters are happening everywhere. Earthquakes, hurricanes, and man-made perils have left many communities anxious and confused about their own emergency preparedness.
In these unique guides, preparedness and recovery expert Leann Hackman-Carty shows you how to prepare your family, business, and community for a number of devastating scenarios. Gleaned from years of experience with disaster recovery organizations, her specialized insight will help you understand the different levels of disaster preparation and recovery.
“This year alone, we have seen devastating impacts of natural disasters in Texas, Florida, the Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, Mexico City and Iran to name a few. Disaster recovery is not an individual effort. We need to have more conversations within our communities, businesses, and families, about the best way to keep everyone safe in the event of a major emergency,” states Hackman-Carty. These informative, practical guidebooks provide readers with a foundation in emergency preparedness, response, and recovery to help make the chaos more controllable—and survivable.
The Master Your Disaster series of guidebooks includes a full version that incorporates modules for families, businesses, and communities. There are also individual versions of each module.
In the guidebooks, Hackman-Carty discusses how to:
understand the types and phases of a disaster,
identify available resources at your home or office,
assemble a basic disaster supply kit and emergency vehicle kit,
know when to activate your plan and evacuate,
keep your family and employees safe,
develop a business continuity plan,
create a disaster recovery plan for your community,
effectively communicate with other businesses and organizations,
use local, regional, and federal programs as resources,
foster community economic resilience, and
stop a natural disaster from catching you off guard.
Hackman-Carty uses several real-world scenarios to help you visualize your own vulnerabilities and “Stand APART.” By following the steps of this simple acronym and Hackman-Carty’s other insightful advice, you will learn how to assess risk, plan your response, activate the plan, recover successfully, and template your activity into an easy-to-follow format.
No one knows what tomorrow holds, but Hackman-Carty’s advice can help you prepare for the worst.
Leann Hackman-Carty has spent nearly thirty years encouraging community economic development, business and economic recovery, and entrepreneurship. Her leadership was recognized on an international level when she was invited to participate in the US International Visitors Program with delegates from nineteen other countries.
Hackman-Carty is currently CEO of Economic Developers Alberta, which works closely with the International Economic Development Council (IEDC) in Washington, DC. In 2014, she helped flooded communities in southern Alberta recover from disaster and develop better resilience. In 2016, she played an active role in Fort McMurray’s post-wildfire business and economic recovery efforts. She also helped customize the IEDC’s economic recovery and resiliency toolkit and training program for Canadian communities.
Hackman-Carty holds bachelor’s degrees in political science/sociology and social work, and has earned certificates in both marketing and economic development. She has also received numerous awards for her work in economic development and recovery.
Master Your Disaster is now available in both print and Kindle version on www.amazon.com.
For more information about the book, media interviews or speaking engagements contact:
Leann Hackman-Carty
Work: 1+403-214-2224
Mobile: 1+403-807-7746
Email: leann@hackmancarty.com
URL: www.disasterguides.com