This year, Master Your Disaster will be profiled at the ReadersMagnet Booth during the online London Book Fair. The London Book Fair is the global marketplace for rights negotiation and the sale and distribution of content across print, audio, TV, film and digital channels.
In 2021, it is celebrating its 50th year in action. Staged annually, the London Book Fair is the hub of the book world and welcomes more than 25,000 publishing professionals to London for the week of the fair to learn, network and kick off their year of business.
To view the book: www.myd.global
To find out more about the London Book Fair: https://www.londonbookfair.co.uk/
For more information about ReadersMagnet: https://www.readersmagnet.com/
To view this video again: https://youtu.be/z0Zoum-Bv1w __________________________________________
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