Roné de Beauvoir is a modern-day Renaissance woman with success as an international award-winning speaker, social entrepreneur, and global humanitarian with a passion for outreach to the world’s most impoverished citizens. She has lived in more than 22 countries and continues to travel the world as a speaker and global humanitarian. In 2007, she won the prestigious European Business Woman of the Year Award for her work promoting diversity and inclusion. As a humanitarian, Roné has sought out ways to support the needs of impoverished citizens around the world, leading to the establishment of her Livestreaming World Summit LLC, which presents conferences around the world to support social good initiatives using livestreaming platforms. She also serves as Chairman/CEO of the FISH Foundation Global Nation, a non-profit charity/social enterprise rebuilding the lives of people in the world living in poverty. In this MYD Pro Talk, Roné talks about her diverse work as a humanitarian, including personal insights on how we can all play a role in helping the world's most vulnerable populations respond and recover from disasters. Her life has taken many directions through the years, but one thing remains the same- her compassion for people, and belief that one person can make a difference. This episode is both personal and inspiring. Tune in to learn more about how youtoo can help vulnerable populations-- even it it is from the comfort of your own couch!
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